ADDRESS : …… ……… ……. ………/……..
lawyer :
ADDRESS : …… ……… ……. ………/……..
…. …… Hunting with his company. … ………….. this agreement has been concluded on the date of …/…/… with the following conditions in accordance with the Law on Decency of the Lawyer.
In this contract …… ……. His company is the ‘COMPANY’, Av. ……. …… and he will be referred to as a ’LAWYER’.
Article 1- Scope;
By signing this agreement, the LAWYER performs the attorney’s service by fulfilling all stages and requirements of the lawsuits and enforcement proceedings that have been filed and will be filed in favor of or against the COMPANY and given to him by the company at all stages and requirements.
The personal business and lawsuits of the COMPANY’s officials and employees are outside the scope of this agreement. Upon request, their fee is assessed separately.
Article 2- Fee and Advance;
TL will be paid monthly to the LAWYER by the COMPANY in exchange for the above-mentioned overtime. This fee, which will be paid in exchange for a self-employment receipt, including VAT and withholding tax, belongs to the company no later than the end of each month ….the pearl is paid until the evening of the working day.
If the services to be provided are located outside the city center (road, food, accommodation.. etc.) expenses are paid to the lawyer in advance. In the event that the lawyer is separated from his office for more than a day due to the COMPANY’s business, he must also ………… – TL daily fee is paid.
The amount of the attorney’s fee within a contract period……. once (…… month) it is not paid at all or …. time (…. a) in case of delayed payment, the right to terminate the contract by the lawyer for a justified reason arises. In this case, the wage receivables until the end of the period become exempt and the right to demand arises with legal interest.
In addition, the COMPANY has been obliged to pay the advance requested by the LAWYER on time for the costs of the transactions to be made. The LAWYER, in turn, is obliged to deliver receipts and other documents indicating the expenses incurred after the transaction(s) took place, or a sample approved by him, to the COMPANY every month.
Article 3- Various Provisions;
a) The LAWYER will follow up the work he has undertaken due to this agreement to the fullest extent in accordance with the laws and professional rules. The work to be done is carried out by the LAWYER personally and, if necessary, through the lawyer and the clerk working with him; however, the responsibility belongs to the LAWYER. The fact that the work is carried out by another lawyer who has been retained does not require a separate fee.
b) the lawyer is going to do business, to represent the company in litigation and enforcement proceedings opened or to be opened represent the company in litigation, or any other official and private institutions, organizations, and private entities to apply, correspondence, transactions duly to perform. The LAWYER is not responsible for doing this work unless the assignment letter is notified to the LAWYER, and the COMPANY is not responsible for the fact that the LAWYER is doing this work without the COMPANY’s knowledge because of this work.
c) The COMPANY may not provide the works under consideration to another lawyer without the written consent of the LAWYER who is a party to this agreement. If the opposite happens, the LAWYER has the right to request the full amount of the remaining fee from the contract and terminate the contract.
d) The COMPANY declares this request to the LAWYER in writing if it wants the case and proceedings to be held to be concluded by a magistrate, a release or a waiver. In such cases, the LAWYER’s fee cannot be deducted.
e) a lawyer, primarily about process performed on each item of all the files that followed the last status updated information about the case, together with the minutes of the hearings certified – as bring to the company and prepare a report within one month from the date of contracting; then all that will happen has happened and processes each file in the current approved the minutes of hearings, including about is committed to providing information as reported at the beginning of every month. Otherwise, the COMPANY shall terminate the agreement, notify the relevant authorities of the necessary actions and exercise all its legal rights.
Article 4- Special Provisions;
a) ……………
(b) ……………
o) ……………
Article 5- Termination of the Contract;
If the contract is terminated unilaterally by the COMPANY, the LAWYER gains the right to ask for the full amount of the fee remaining from the contract period.
However, the LAWYER does not follow the professional rules and does not fully fulfill his responsibilities under the contract to the COMPANY, namely; Does not protect the rights of the company, does not perform the required correspondence, it is necessary, a pink slip, out of all the required stages of litigation and enforcement files does not follow within the scope of the necessary correspondence, and litigation and enforcement proceedings-term operations on time, if you fail, does not participate in hearings as unexcused, not here, not specified in this Agreement and the other a lawyer, the law does not expressly that can be adapted to fulfil their responsibilities and the company suffered from responsibility for the negligence of the attorney s which stems from the company if, he takes action by notifying the relevant authorities and uses all his legal rights necessary for compensation of his damage by a LAWYER. The contract shall be terminated without further notice.
A LAWYER cannot ask for any fee when he gives up pursuing the work he has taken on for no good reason and resigns from the attorney’s office for no good reason. He is obliged to return the fee he received in advance and the advance of expenses he did not make, if any, and the documents provided by the client. In addition, the LAWYER takes all necessary measures to ensure that the COMPANY does not suffer from loss of rights in such a situation and assumes full responsibility for this issue. Otherwise, the damage that will occur will be compensated by the taxpayer.
Article 6- Settlement Addresses, Termination, Legal Basis;
The addresses of the parties written in this agreement are the addresses of the legal place of residence, and the change of address must be notified in writing. Otherwise, the notification to be made to these addresses will be deemed to have been made to the relevant one.
Article 7 – Courts and Enforcement Agencies Authorized to Resolve Disputes;
In disputes arising out of this agreement…. Courts and Enforcement Agencies are authorized.
35 of the Law No. 1136 on Advocacy. this agreement, prepared in two copies in accordance with its article, …/…/…. effect on …. it is arranged for the year and will end on …/…/….
The parties agree that before this period expires ……. (……………..) they reach an agreement on the continuation or termination of the contract in writing the day before. In case of renewal of the contract, the monthly attorney’s fee is re-determined by the parties. If the contract is not renewed or terminated by the parties by agreement, the parties may not claim any material rights other than their rights under the validity period of the contract.
The provisions of the Law No. 1136 on Advocacy apply to matters not covered by this agreement.