(In the form of an Edit)
…… The year ….. Of the month …… day. …./…../……
I have the seal and signature below….. The Notary’s Office is the Notary’s Office ……. ……. ……./…….. who came to me while I was working in my apartment at and …………. with/without photo provided from the population office…../…../….. day and ……….. according to the numbered ID card ………. the province ………….. County ………… Village/neighborhood …… skin …… order no ……. the family is registered to the population in the ordinal numbers, …….. with …… born and still …… ….. ……/…….. the one who says he lives at the address …….. ……. and …………. with/without photo provided from the population office…../…./…. day and ………. according to the birth certificate number …… province of ……. County ………… Village/neighborhood ….. skin …… order no …… the sequence number is registered in the family ……. and ……. born still …….. …… ……/…… he said sitting in the address …….. ……… together they applied to me and asked for a real estate sales promise agreement in the form of an arrangement.
I spoke with them. I understood that they have legal abilities and are literate. I got the blood from the ID cards they submitted. On top of that, who promises and undertakes to sell from interested parties ……. …… starting with his words, he said:
(-I am the Owner and Shareholder with the title deed ………….. the province, ……………. the district ………… the law of time and Space in your location ………… and …………… as of today, the buyer has all the rights and shares in the real estate registered in the parcel ……..-I promise to sell it for the price of TL, which is the sale price ………..’s …… I got some in advance to see ……’ni …… pay me in installments, you consent to this contract and promise to get consent from the day that I mentioned immovable of Eden will be found within, The present Arrangement of the receiver-Shaped logs submitted to the land registry office real property sales, with the promise of relevant one-sided commentary for candidates to remove the biggest free, the aforementioned statements ferag solid immovable upon the request of the recipient ……, if I had to refrain from providing solid ferag statements, the present arrangement to buy the promise of Eden-shaped submitted to the land registry office with the promise of real estate related real property sales forfeit my registration request and consent to any tax and duties on immovable until the day that mentioned that if my side of the legal obligations, i declare that the ones after this day will belong to the One who promised to buy, and in case of disputes arising out of this agreement, the courts and enforcement agencies will be authorized, I accept and confess.) he said and finished his statement.
After that, he was present at the same session and Promised to Buy ……. …… taking it as a promise, he said:
(- By accepting the declarations of the one who promises to buy and the one who promises to sell above in the same way, I know that he is the owner and I have determined ………….. the province, ……………. the district ………… the law of time and Space in your location ………… and …………… I promise to receive the real estate registered in the parcel for a fee of ……-TL as of today’s date. It is the sales price ……’s declaration vendor pay for itself as it is in this real estate taxes and duties if any with far of Eden, the legal obligations of the selling of the promise of the next side will be found to this day, this arising from the contract of sale …… of courts and execution offices shall be authorized to certify that I’ll agree and acknowledge.) he finished his remarks by saying.
The minutes were given for reading to interested parties. They read it. Six of the minutes were signed and sealed by me with interested parties after they informed me that it was in accordance with their requests.
…… Years …… Of the month …… Day. ../../……
First Name Last Name Last Name
Signature Signature