In order for a lawsuit to be filed against the decimation of the goods regime, the existing goods regime between the parties must end. The termination of the property regime and the termination of the marriage union are not the same. Sometimes
the current property regime between the spouses also ends before the end of the marriage union dec
as it may end, the current property regime, although the marriage union continues
it may end.
In what cases will the current goods regime between the spouses decimate
TMK 225. it is shown in the article. Accordingly, the cases that end the goods regime;
a) In case of death of one of the spouses: on the date of death, both the marriage union and the property regime expire from the date of death.
b) The agreement on the goods regime of the spouses and dec current goods regime between them
in addition, if they choose one of the other regimes shown in the law:
At the time of the election of this new regime, the old goods regime between them dec ended
delivers. For example, your spouses have 01. 01. they got married in 2004 and the goods regime
suppose they do not have a contract. In accordance with the law, from the date of marriage they will be subject to a mandatory regime of participation in acquired property. Wives 01. 01. as shown in the law on 2012
choosing one of the other goods regimes, for example, the goods separation regime
in the case of; 01, which is the date of marriage, even if the marriage union continues.
01. the regime of participation in acquired goods, which began in 2004, is 01, according to which the goods regime agreement and the goods separation regime were selected. 01. on 2012
will come to an end.
c) In case of divorce and annulment of marriage: in case of divorce and annulment of marriage
the current regime of property between the spouses at the time of the filing of the decommissioning case also
will expire at the end. A marriage union, on the other hand, will end not on the date of filing divorce or annulment lawsuits, but on the date of finalizing a decision on the cancellation of a divorce or marriage.
d) A decision by the judge to proceed to the ”separation of goods”
in the event that: spouses together can decouple the current regime of property between them at any time
they can change it, remove it, adhering to legal limits. For example, before
although they choose the goods separation regime, they can then choose a goods partnership or one of the other regimes shown in the Law. However, in the law
in some exceptional cases shown (TMK m. 206 et seq. ) of one of the spouses
according to the decision of the family court judge with the application of the current property regime
it can be transformed into a ”goods separation regime”. In this case, the marriage union
the existing goods regime between the parties (for example, the regime of participation in acquired goods, the goods partnership regime or the goods to be shared, although it continues dec
at the time of the opening of the case for the transition to the extraordinary goods regime (separation regime)
will expire at the end.