T.C SUPREME COURT 16.Legal Department, Base: 2016/ 15334 Decision: 2020 / 492 Decision Date: 17.02.2020
As a result of the case between the parties, it was dec that the decision given by the Supreme Court be examined; It was understood that the appeal request was in due course, the examination report and the documents in the file were read, DISCUSSED AS NECESSARY:
The plaintiff …, … about a part of the real estate located in the working area of the District … Neighborhood and left to be identified as a bush during the cadastral work carried out in 1970,
based on the existence of a lucrative statute of limitations, he has filed a lawsuit seeking registration in his name. At the end of the trial conducted by the court, it was decided to accept the case, register and register the 3,495.71 square meter section indicated by the letter (A) in the science expert report dated 23.06.2015 in the title deed on behalf of the plaintiff; the decision was appealed by the defendant’s deputy Treasury.
The decision is based on the content of the file with the evidence gerektirici in accordance with the law for reasons of nonexistence of evidence in the case, according to the misses in place of non-provision of Appeal for the rejection of the appeal procedures and approved in accordance with the law, the Treasury have taken place because the mortar are exempt from fees whether the legal conditions occur when the correction of the decision within 15 days of the receipt of the decision to open the way for 17.02.2020 on the day it was decided unanimously.