Article 1 – The Parties;

A Dec Agreement has been signed between the parties whose names / titles are written below with the following conditions.


name surname:


tax authority:

Tax No:





name surname:


tax authority:

Tax No:




Article 2 – Subject;

This contract of business, ….. STI (referred to as the consultant) with ……………Ltd. deciphering the terms of the Consulting Agreement concluded between (referred to as the client).

Article 3 – Scope;

This agreement, the customer and/or outside the borders of the Republic of Turkey will Company/business and other activities in relation to setting up all kinds of activities related to the provision of advice, consultancy and conclude on the stage will pass and those with power of attorney at each stage of follow-up in relation to the return in the customer’s obligation to pay the poet with principles.

Article 4 – Duties, Responsibilities and Powers of the Consultant;

The consultant will provide advice, transfer and provide information to the client on the following issues, and will not oppose or prevent the use of this information by the client.

In order for the client to establish a company outside the Republic of Turkey;

In order to investigate the provisions of the laws and legislation of the country where the company / business will be established, especially the provisions of the laws and legislation of the Republic of Turkey, and to inform the customer about these provisions,

Ensuring full compliance with the provisions of the laws and legislation of the country where the company / business will be established, especially the provisions of the laws and legislation of the Republic of Turkey,

Checking the work carried out at december intervals to determine whether the obligations specified in the relevant legislation have been fulfilled,

If necessary, to provide warnings and suggestions to the customer to correct the identified deficiencies and to monitor whether the deficiency has been corrected,

By contacting all official and non-official institutions, organizations, administrative authorities and other relevant authorities located both in the Republic of Turkey and in the country where the company / business will be established,

All the necessary permissions in the Republic of Turkey and of the company/business will be established in the countries where relevant institutions, authorities and other relevant administrative authority to carry out the preliminary work necessary for obtaining the permits in question, and coordinating with,

Collecting the necessary documents during the application and permission stages and preparing them by conducting a study alone or in partnership with the client within the client’s knowledge,

Conducting a feasibility study and preparing a feasibility report in the country where the company / enterprise will be established,

Consulting at every stage until the completion of work such as file and document tracking,

To work in a harmonious manner with the customer and to organize the customer regarding the fastest possible execution of the work and activities and to train the customer’s workers,

Providing assistance in foreign office, store, branch, warehouse, representative office and brand promotion activities,

We reserve information about the customer’s trade secrets,

he is obliged to.

Article 5- Customer’s Responsibilities;

By preparing and providing all the documents and information requested by the consultant without delay from the signing of this Agreement,

Ensuring that the documents provided to the consultant are correct,

To cover the travel expenses of consultant workers assigned by the consultant to and from the client, as well as all kinds of transportation, food and housing costs at the place of duty,

To provide the consultant and consultant workers assigned by the consultant with the necessary working environment and all kinds of information, documents and equipment in order to maintain the activity,

he is obliged to.

Article 6- Fees and Payments;

The monthly fee that the consultant will receive during the contract period due to the service provided ……- TL (…………) and every month by the enterprise …. it will be paid in cash and in advance on the th day, and VAT, withholding, fees and other legal obligations are not included in the fee.

The fee written in the contract is only related to the fact that the client can establish a company outside the Republic of Turkey, and when it is requested to perform activities not covered by the contract, the consultant is paid a separate fee, which will be determined by the parties.

Article 7- Termination of the Contract;

The parties …. it may terminate the contract unilaterally at any time by notifying of termination for a valid reason one day in advance. In this case …… – TL (……..……..) will be paid to the counterparty in cash and over time.

Article 8- Duration of the Contract;

This agreement is valid between …/ …/ … and …/…/ … Dec.

Article 9- Force Majeure;

Loaded to the responsibilities of the parties in this agreement any of the parties that occurs outside of the will of an accident, fire, earthquake, flood, strikes, war, civil war, rebellion, the administrative authorities of the behavior of any law or any legal arrangement fulfilled due to the existence of a compelling reason environment or the like is considered. If the force majeure in question lasts more than one day and makes it impossible to fulfill the contract, the contract is considered to be terminated by itself. If the force majeure disappears during the contract period, the parties can re-evaluate the situation and decide on the continuation of the contract. In case of termination of the contract, the obligations arising within the period up to the moment of occurrence of force majeure shall continue. The parties cannot get rid of their previous obligations under the pretext of force majeure.

Article 10- Adaptation of the Contract;

According to the changes in the legislation related to the articles of the agreement, this agreement is brought into compliance with the new regulation.

Article 11- Competent Courts and Enforcement Agencies for Resolving Disputes;

The parties agree that in any dispute that may arise from the interpretation and application of this agreement, the competent judicial authorities …..They have accepted and declared that there are Court and Executive Directorates.

Article 12- Notification;

In this agreement the parties are located in address to their address and this address is notified of any such notification will be deemed to be made legal and valid, and any change in this address within days of the agreement would be announced to the parties in writing, otherwise the address contained in communications and agreement to be made to attach the sides have agreed in advance that this would be the then current legal notice.

In cases where there are no provisions in this agreement, the provisions of the relevant relevant legislation apply.

Article 13- Entry into force;

This agreement consists of 13 (thirteen) articles and is signed between the parties …/….dec/….. it has been signed up in two (2) copies in its history.

CONSULTANT                                                                     CLIENT

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