Article 1 – The Parties;
This agreement is dec between … and … for the purpose of regulating the mutual rights and obligations of the translator and the publisher.
Article 2 – Scope;
This Agreement is translated by ………. draft page and ……… consisting of sections ………………. the type of translation work offline………. it agrees to grant the Publishing House the right to print, process, reproduce, publish and sell for its quantity.
Article 3 – Translator’s Rights;
1 – The Publishing house will ensure that the translator’s name is included in the work when the work is published.
2 – The publisher will not be able to make any changes to all or part of the work without the permission of the translator, except for the changes required by technical and printing processes.
3 – After the publication of the work by the publisher to the translator, taking into account the number of prints and the sale price of the book to the members of the publishing house in accordance with the Publisher’s Copyright Fees Specification as copyright …….. TL. he will pay royalties in the amount of. At the request of the translator, if the Contract is signed and approved by the Publishing House’s Board of Directors, an advance payment of one-fourth (1/4) of the calculated royalty fee ………TL will be made in advance at the request of the translator. After the publication of the book is completed and the prepayment is deducted from the calculated final royalty fee, the remaining part is at the latest ….(………) it will be paid to the translator within a month.
4 – Translation from the first edition of the published work …….. you will be entitled to one free book.
5- The book is issued no later than after the signing of the contract …. (………) it will be ready for publication within a month and delivered to the publishing house.
6- The legal obligations arising from all agreements concluded by the translator with Publishing Houses regarding the earlier editions of the work belong to the translator.
7 – The translator will be responsible for the change between the original work dec the translation work.
Article 4 – Rights of the Publisher;
1 – The Publishing House shall have the right and freedom to publish the work that has been abandoned to it by this Agreement for …… years. During this period, the publishing house will be able to use the right to publish, the number of which is specified in article 3, one or more times.
2 – The translator or his heirs shall not be able to make any savings on all or part of the work left to the publishing house, to the detriment of the publishing house. He will not publish the work by correction and improvement on his own name and account or in agreement with another publisher. The translator reserves the right to improve and correct it, and the right to publish the corrected and improved or extinct work will also belong to the publishing house for a period of … years. During this period, the translator may not transfer the right to print and publish his book by agreement with another publisher without obtaining permission from the publisher.
3 – The translator is obliged to pay the damage caused against the publisher for non-compliance with the provisions of the Contract.
This Agreement consists of 4 (four) main articles and is issued in three (3) copies …/…/…. it has been signed by all parties.
A clear and simple language and technical terms common in our country will be used in the texts. The original word will be written in brackets next to the words that have not yet been placed in our language, and those that have been placed in their place during the previous correction in the publication of the work will be replaced or removed if there is no need for the words placed in brackets.
Translations will be made completely adhering to the original, foreign units will be translated into SI units if there is no obligation, or a translation table will be added at the end of the work.
All signs and abbreviations in the original of the work will comply with the legislation of the publishing house.
All shapes and graphics in the work to be translated will be cut from the original of the work, pasted only at the ends and not distorted. The translations of the original articles on these figures and graphs will be written on aydınger and pasted on the figures and graphs only from one edge.
Those who translate will write their works on a white paper measuring A4 as two (2) examples using a typewriter or computer. The text, shapes, graphics and rulers of the translation to be written will arrange the work as it actually is. A sequence number will be placed in the upper right corner of each leaf and the page number in the book will be placed in the upper middle. If one sheet does not fit on one page of the book, the rest is written on another sheet. The numbers on the first page are also placed on this sheet, and two are written under the split sign. If the second page is not completely filled, a transverse line will be drawn below the place where it is filled in, and the number of the next book page will be written below this line.
The table of contents will be edited by the translator after the translation of the book is completed.
The translation time will be determined by the publishing house.
For those who do not comply with article 4 without apology and do not send all of the translation they have made at the end of the period given to them by the publisher …. (………) an additional period may be given not to exceed October. If no results are obtained at the end of this period, the publisher may assign this translation work to someone else, and the first respondent cannot request any rights. Those who do not return the books given by the publishing house, the value of the books on that day …. (……..) you must pay a solid amount of money. …/…/…
Name and Surname Name and Surname
Signature Signature