Unlicensed Weapons
One of the issues that are very often encountered in the legal field is the crime of carrying a weapon without a license. Depending on the circumstances established by a special law, people are prohibited from possessing weapons that do not have a license, as well as knives and bullets. Criminal sanctions will be imposed in cases of both purchase and transportation. In order for an unlicensed weapon crime to occur, there is no obligation to cause damage with a weapon.
It was considered a crime to buy or carry a weapon without a license without a condition that any harm or benefit would occur. Criminal sanctions can be faced together with the crime, which is called the Opposition to Law No. 6136. Some elephants that are considered a crime according to Article 6136 of the Law are as follows;
Possession of unlicensed weapons or bullets,
Buying weapons without a license,
Buying bullets without a license,
Buying weapons or bullets without a license,
Carrying criminal instruments without a license,
The sale and possession of the specified elephants, as well as knives or other criminal instruments, is also considered a crime of opposition to the law. In crimes committed for commercial purposes, transactions are carried out within the scope of the crime of arms trade and trafficking.
Unlicensed Gun Crime
The crime of carrying a weapon without a license, which is one of the important crimes in the legal field, is organized to prevent people from acting unconsciously. Together with the law No. 6136 on Firearms and Knives, such acts are prohibited. It is forbidden to carry automatic, long- or short-barreled weapons, as well as all kinds of criminal tools, such as shotguns and pistols, without a license. They have different criminal sanctions depending on the nature, especially the prison term.
It is mandatory for people who have to carry a firearm to have a document called a license to carry a weapon. Criminal sanctions will be imposed on people who carry or possess a weapon without receiving this document. In addition to not having a license, not renewing the expired license is also sufficient to commit the crime in question.
Persons who carry the relevant criminal instruments without a license to carry a weapon will be legally punished for committing a crime. According to the details specified by the law, this document is valid for 5 years when a person receives a license to carry a weapon. at the end of 5 years, the license to carry a weapon must be renewed. Fines and prison sentences are imposed for the crime of carrying a weapon without a license.
according to law No. 6136, there is a fine for carrying a weapon without a license. The penalty for carrying a weapon without a license is determined based on the nature of the crime. Buying and carrying weapons without a license is prohibited by law 6136.according to the article of the law No. 6136, persons who do not have the necessary license to carry the relevant weapon will be punished. There are different penalties that will be imposed on people who have seized weapons without a license. Depending on the nature, there may be changes in the duration of penalties.
The penalties for persons carrying weapons without a license are as follows;
imprisonment from 1 year to 3 years,
judicial fine from 30 days to 100 days,
Imprisonment from 5 to 8 years in case of transportation of weapons that are serious in nature,
In case of transportation of weapons that are serious in nature, a judicial fine from 500 days to 5 thousand days is imposed,
There is a situation when individuals face these criminal sanctions if they commit the specified crimes. In order to determine the punishment to be given, issues such as the decision of the competent court and how the crime was committed are important.
I Want to Buy a Weapon Without a License
Possession, sale and purchase of weapons without a license is prohibited by law. If an unlicensed pistol is seized, the weapon is confiscated by the police department and an investigation is launched against the person. He does not need to be involved in any crime to confiscate a weapon.
Possession of Unlicensed Weapons at Home
Possession of a weapon at home without a license is also a behavior that will lead to criminal sanctions. It is stated that people who have guns without a license at home or at work due to personal needs will be punished. The nature of the weapon in possession is also important in the sentences to be given.
Imprisonment or a judicial fine may be imposed on people who have weapons without a license in their homes and are caught. Persons who have committed the dec offense will be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 1 to 2 years. At the same time, a judicial fine can be imposed for a period of 25 days to 100 days. dec. The issue of qualification in the crime of possession of weapons without a license is also important.
In case of possession of weapons that are considered serious in terms of quality, different penalties will apply. If the unlicensed weapon is a rifle or an automatic weapon, a criminal sanction is provided for by a different article of the relevant law. In such cases, persons are sentenced to imprisonment for dec dec 5 and 8 years, or a judicial fine of 500 days and 5 thousand days.
What are the Courts Charged with the Crime of Unlicensed Weapons?
There are courts that are tasked with transporting weapons without a license, which, together with the law, is one of the acts recognized as a crime. there are courts that are responsible for the crime of carrying a weapon without a license, known as opposition to law No. 6136. The issue of whether crimes have been committed with related weapons in this area is of great importance.
Criminal sanctions will be imposed for the occurrence of a crime if people who possess or carry designated weapons without a license are captured by the relevant units. The task of conducting a trial in this area has been assigned to the criminal court of first instance. A trial will be held by the competent courts in the region where the crime was committed.
In case of a crime of opposition to the law, as well as a serious crime committed with a criminal instrument, a different court acts. In case of committing crimes such as killing or injuring people with an unlicensed weapon, a trial is conducted by a criminal court. The services of a law firm can be used to get clear information about these regulations.
What Is Interesting About the Crime and Punishment of Carrying a Weapon without a License
Can I carry my possession-licensed weapon in the car?
No, you can only keep your licensed weapon at the address where it is registered.
In what cases is a licensed weapon not carried?
During hearings, courtrooms, psychiatric departments of hospitals, mental hospitals, prisons and prisons, as well as all kinds of correctional and execution institutions or their annexes, weapons licensed for transportation cannot be carried in dormitories where students live en masse.
What about the licensed weapon of the deceased person?
If a licensed weapon belonging to deceased persons is applied for within six months with the consent of all their heirs from the date of notification, it is provided that it is transferred to the requesting heir or a third party.
How long is the fine for an unlicensed weapon ?
The penalty for an unlicensed weapon is imprisonment from 5 to 8 years, a judicial fine from 500 days to 5000 days