In case of an unconfirmed court decision, the creditor party may collect the decision of the local court through enforcement proceedings. The party who is the creditor in the case may apply for all the ways in which it can collect the receivables while the case file is still under review by the Supreme Court, there are only obstacles to the sale of real estate.

Debtor is a party to the case top-grade review, the court may refrain from making the payment..In this case, there are two ways that the borrower can try. The debtor appealed the decision to the local court, while the first of these was a party executive by specifying the demands of any suspension, you can expect a decision from the Supreme Court about it. In this case, the Supreme Court postponing the execution of court decisions and local yargitayca are acceptable to whether or accepts or rejects the execution can be determined.

The other way is for the debtor who did not specify or forgot to specify the request for resettlement enforcement when appealing. When the creditor wants to collect the decision of the local court by means of enforcement, first of all, he must send the request for resettlement enforcement to the Supreme Court, as a result of which the enforcement director deposits a guarantee on the account of the directorate, in the directorate where the enforcement proceedings have begun, taking into account that he appealed this decision from the local court, and an appropriate period is requested for the Supreme Court to conclude it and make a return. Executive Director, Executive and Bankruptcy Code m.if it meets the conditions set out in 36, it will give the borrower an appropriate period of time. The postponement of this period given by the Executive Director is not a final decision such as execution. It consists of a period given to the debtor to submit a tehiric enforcement request to the Supreme Court and for the Supreme Court to decide on this request and notify the parties to the case. This period starts from the day the case file goes to the Supreme Court.

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