in accordance with the first sentence of the fourth paragraph of Article 50 of the Unemployment Insurance Law No. 4447; before the insured person has completed the period of benefiting from unemployment benefits, he must re-
it is stipulated that if he is unemployed again before he can fulfill the conditions stipulated for him to enter a job and take advantage of the unemployment insurance benefit, he will continue to enjoy this right until he completes the period of unemployment benefits that he was previously entitled to. In this context, employees who are unemployed again and who have received unemployment benefits until the unemployment benefit they deserved before has expired will be eligible for cash wage support from the date of the end of the payment. Law No. 4857, but the upper limit of this period, the termination can be made for a temporary period determines the 10th of the article, in other words, these workers also; July 17 -17 April 2020 2020donemini not to exceed the cash wage will benefit from the support.