Complaining…………………………….: Ahmet Dogru (TC:………) Inonu Dist. No: 412, K: 4 – IZMIR
Subject………………………………: Prompt correction of order o is from
My client Ahmet Dogru has written down his receivables arising from the “business relationship” of the debtor (insolvent) Hasan Turkay (3.500,00), whose bankruptcy has been decided, to the bankruptcy table.
on 13.02.2015, my client, who examined the order chart announced to have been given to the bankruptcy office, found that he had been given a “third place” in his receivables. However, the first. mad. according to article 206, the receivable should have been given the “first place”, not the third place.
In the face of this situation, it was necessary to apply to your court to correct the incorrectly arranged row chart.
The Evidence………………………………: Bankruptcy File (I) etc.
Legal Reasons……………….: IIK. art. 235, 206
Results and Prompt ………………..: For the reasons we have stated, I would like to request the correction of the order chart, which was incorrect by holding a hearing, by proxy. 20.09.2015
Complainant’s Attorney