Punishment of the Basic Form of the Crime of Manufacturing and Trafficking in Drugs or Stimulants

Punishment of the basic state of the crime of drug trafficking in the TCK;

If drugs and stimulants are manufactured, imported or exported without a license or in violation of a license, the penalty is imprisonment from twenty to thirty years or a judicial fine of up to two thousand days. (TCK m.188/1)
If drugs or stimulants are sold, offered for sale, given to others, shipped, transported, stored, purchased, accepted, and stored in the country without a license or in violation of the license, the person is punished with imprisonment for at least ten years and a judicial fine of one thousand to twenty thousand days. However, if the person who is given or sold drugs or stimulants is a child, the prison sentence to be given to the person who gives or sells cannot be less than fifteen years. (TCK m.188/3)
Narcotic or stimulating effect, although drugs or psychotropic substances manufactured or imported and used in the production of material that are attached to the permission of the authorities into the country of importation, manufacture, sale, purchase, shipment, transfer, storage, or the penalty to be imposed in case of expulsion, to less than eight years imprisonment and criminal fines than twenty thousand is a thousand days until the day. (T.C.M.188/7)
Punishment of Qualified Cases of Punishment for Drug Trafficking Offences

188/4 of the Turkish Penal Code on the qualifications of cases of a drug trafficking offence. 188/5. 188/8. it is regulated in its articles. According to the provisions of the regulated law;

Narcotic or stimulant substances, such as heroin, cocaine, morphine, synthetic cannabinoid, and derivatives held in the third paragraph or bazmorfin and verbs; schools, dormitories, hospitals, barracks, or places of worship such as treatment, education, military, and social purposes for the current batch of buildings and other facilities if you have them with a wall, barrier or a sign with wire mesh or the like within close distance from two hundred feet to the specified limits in public places public or in the event the processing, the penalty shall be increased by half. (TCK m.188/4)
Law of organized crime, is committed by three or more people in cases where the penalty by half, within the framework of the activities of an organization established for committing the crime is committed, the penalty shall be doubled. (TCK m.188/5)
TCK m.188 crimes defined in the medical, dental surgeon, pharmacist, chemists, veterinarians, medical officer, laboratory assistant, midwife, Nurse, Dental Technician, nurse, health service, or who is engaged in the pharmaceutical trade kimyacilik committed by a person, the penalty shall be increased by half. (TCK m.188/8)
Discount Status

In the case of the manufacture and trade of drugs or stimulant substances, the production or sale of which depends on the permission of the official authorities and the prescription issued by the competent doctor, and which produces the effect of drugs or stimulants, the TCK m.The provisions of Article 188 shall apply. However, the penalty can be reduced to half. (TCK m.188/6)

Application of Security Measures about Legal Entities

If the crime of drug trafficking is committed within the framework of the activity of a legal entity, security measures specific to them are applied to the legal entity. (TCK m.189)

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