Continuous crimes are divided into mandatory continuous crime and possible continuous crime in the doctrine. Mandatory continuous crime is called crimes that naturally persist for a certain period of time with the realization of the movement contained in the legal definition. Crime of deprivation of Liberty (TCK article 109), the crime of violation of housing security (TCK article 116) is a mandatory non-stop crime. A possible continuous crime is a possible continuous crime, although it is not normally a continuous crime, in some cases crimes performed without interruption are called a possible continuous crime. For example, Although the crime of gratuitous use in TCK art. 163/1 is not a continuous crime, The crime of gratuitous use in art. 163/3 is carried out in the form of a continuous crime. Article 163/3 is a continuous crime, since unrequited use continues during use, if the electrical energy, water or natural gas that can be used on a subscription basis is consumed without the consent of the owner and in such a way as to prevent the determination of the amount of consumption.