address :
attorney :
(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)
address :
(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)
SUBJECT : It consists of our objections to the determination of evidence.
1-) The lease agreement signed between our client and the counterparty on Dec./ …/… (ANNEX – 1) …/ …/… on dec………. Issued with a warning withdrawn from the Notary Public …. after the day …/…/…. the deadline has expired (ANNEX – 2) and our client has vacated the residence located at the address on the date of / …/.
2-) The other party, your court …/ … E. in the determination of the evidence made in the numbered file, it was determined that the housing subject to determination was delivered to my client uniformly and ready for use, but was used with contempt by my client, some changes were made to the house, the installed water heater was dismantled and taken away, kitchen cabinets were left unusable, and serious property damage was caused in the house. (OCTOBER October 3) In addition, the relevant persons whose names are included in the witness list (October 4) presented in the annex of the evidence determination petition were also heard in connection with this situation.
3-) This determination does not reflect reality. Because, our client has not caused any damage to the housing he has rented with the rental agreement contained in the above information. On the contrary, the chimney, which cannot be used with the numbered invoice after the start date of the lease agreement, was built with the knowledge of the counterparty. (ANNEX – 5) As claimed by the other party, no damage was caused to the kitchen cabinets, and the geyser belonging to the opposite party was not dismantled and taken away. Our client has vacated the residence on the date of / …// and handed over the key to the opposite party. October are photos showing the condition of my client’s house when he checked in and delivered it. (ANNEX – 6) As can be seen from these photos, the kitchen cabinets, as claimed by the other party, are the same as they were on the date of renting the house, and the geyser belonging to the opposite party is also located in the house as of the date of delivery of the house.
4-) The statements of the persons whose names the other party has given in the witness list are also not healthy. Because as a result of the address search that will be conducted, it will be seen that the people on the witness list did not live in the same apartment as my client at the time my client vacated the residence.
5-) Taking into account our objections to the determination of evidence made by your court, in order to prevent the use of the issues subject to the determination of evidence against us in a possible lawsuit filed by the other party, it was necessary to apply to your court.
LEGAL REASONS : 6100 P. K. m. 401, 402, 403, 404, 405
LEGAL EVIDENCE : …/ …/ … The Lease Agreement dated, …/…/…. Dated …… Taken from noterligi, warnings, with the names and addresses of witnesses that will testify witness list shows the topics, …/ …/ … date and invoice No. of residence of the lease by the client and the client shows as empty by the previous 5 illustrates the case of delivery date photographs 10 5 total
CONCLUSION AND CLAIM: For the reasons we have set out above, your court …/ … E. we respectfully request the determination of the evidence made in the numbered file and the decision to accept our objections on behalf of our client. …/ …/ …
APPENDICES: 1. OCTOBER 2018 …/ … / … dated Lease Agreement
…/…/…. Dated …… Notice of withdrawal from the Notary Public
Your Court …/ … E. the numbered file
It shows the names and addresses of the witnesses and the topics they will testify to witness list
…/ …/ … date and … numbered invoice
It shows the condition of the housing before the client rents 5 units and
it shows the state of the client on the date of delivery as empty, being 5 pieces
there are 10 photos in total
An example of a certified power of attorney.
The Attorney Objecting to the Determination of Evidence