58 Of Our Criminal Code. edited for the crime committed and the previously given in the article
after the sentence is finalized, it is defined as the commission of a new crime. Committing a crime in this way it will be applied to people who are considered more dangerous than other people and fall into a state of repetition the provisions are arranged in the section where security measures are regulated. Repetition, which refers to the danger of a person, is considered during the execution of the sentence
the application of the probation measure after the execution of the sentence, as arranged as the cause it has also been adjudicated as a reason for requiring. Also repeats itself, with imprisonment
in terms of the application of a prison sentence, where a judicial fine is provided for as an option
it will be considered. Therefore, it repeats in law 5237, increasing the penalty as in law 765
not considered as the cause, a regime of execution and probation after the execution of the sentence
it was organized as the reason for the implementation of the measure . But for women, to which Turkey is a party 46 of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and fight against violence and domestic violence. in the article, in crimes committed by states parties in accordance with the convention and contained in the scope of violence, regulation of a person’s previous conviction for the same crimes as a qualified state
obligation is located. The execution regime adopted on Repeaters and the probation measure after the execution of the sentence, habitual criminal can also be applied to a criminal who is a member of a person or organization that acquires a profession. Law he also admitted that these people are more dangerous than other people. it also accepted the application of the provisions applied to these persons (TCK m. 58/9). TCK= Turkish Criminal Code

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