To The Family Court on Duty(or the Civil Court of First Instance)
The Plaintiff-The Defendant : ……………………..
TC ID No : …………………..
Address : ………………….
Defendant -Plaintiff : ……………………
TC ID No : …………………….
Address : …………………….
D.Subject: It is a lawsuit petition demanding the termination of the marriage union.
Our Explanations :
1. Parties ……….. they have been married in history. As can be seen from the population records of this marriage
he must have completed a year. The marriage of the parties …… born …….. a girl/boy named
they have children.
2. The decimation between the parties has reached a stage and the maintenance of marital union
it has become impossible. For this reason, the parties decided to divorce by decisionbetween them
they gave us.
3. The decision of the parties to divorce with the adoption of the Agreed Divorce Protocol october in the annex
we demand that it be given.
Evidence : Sample of population registration, Protocol of Negotiated Divorce
H.Reason : TMK 166 and related law
T.Conclusion: For the reasons mentioned above and to be determined if you are, the parties have agreed
to decide on their divorce, the ratification of the Protocol on the Negotiated Divorce, which is october in the appendix
we demand it. …. / …. / ……
Plaintiff-Defendant Defendant-Plaintiff
Addition: Protocol of the Negotiated Divorce