

It is an event that was not planned in advance, most of which led to personal injuries, damage to machines and equipment, and production stopped for a while.

13 of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510. according to the article, an accident at work;

At the time when the insured person is at work,
If the insured works independently on his own behalf and on his own account due to the work being carried out by the employer or due to his duty, he is out of the workplace due to the work or subject of work that he is carrying out,
Due to the fact that the insured employee, depending on the employer, is sent to another place other than the workplace as an employee, he has spent time without doing his main job,
During the time allotted for breastfeeding the insured woman to give milk to her child,
It is an incident that occurs during the departure and arrival of the insured to the place of work by an employer-provided vehicle and immediately or later physically or mentally apologizes to the insured.
The Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331 defines an occupational accident as “An incident that occurs at work or due to the conduct of work, causes death, or makes the integrity of the body mentally or physically impaired”.

An accident at work is called an incident that occurs at work or due to work requirements, sometimes causes death or disrupts the integrity of the body spiritually or physically.

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