

It is possible to exclude a partner from the partnership on the basis of the reasons provided for in the articles of association of a limited liability company. For this, the company must first make a general assembly decision. Following the adoption of the decision of the general assembly, the limited liability company shall ensure that the company’s headquarters is located in order to exclude the relevant partner from the partnership
he will apply to the commercial court of first instance at his location.We would like to note that the limited liability company is based on
in the articles of association, the arrangements regarding the circumstances in which a partner will be excluded from the partnership may be entered into the articles of association at the stage of establishment of the partnership, or it may be added to the articles of association later by amending the articles of association.
A provision is specified in the articles of Association of the company on the basis of limited partnership of the General Assembly in relation to the decision taken against extracted from partner legal way that would apply if the partner mentioned in the relevant resolution of the General Assembly was informed through a notary within three months after the company’s decision where the court is located is to demand the annulment of the General Assembly of Commerce.

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