

Exclusion from the Partnership Based on a Justified Reason
Another way to remove a partner from a partnership in limited liability companies is to remove the partner from a partnership based on a justifiable reason. In other words, since it is not mandatory to specify which cases will be the reason for being excluded from the partnership in the articles of association of a limited liability company, limited liability companies can always sue their partners with a request to withdraw from the partnership based on a justified reason, even if there are no provisions in the articles of association of a limited liability company related to the exclusion from the partnership. For this reason, before applying to the court by the limited liability company for dismissal from the partnership, the general assembly of the limited liability company must make a general assembly decision within this scope. The decisionof the general assembly is among the important decisions for limited liability companies as it is among the non-transferable powers of the general assembly. Therefore, the quorum required for the decisionof the relevant general assembly is the coexistence of at least two-thirds of the votes cast at the general assembly and the absolute majority of the entire authorized capital of the company. The TCC has tried to draw the boundaries of the just cause with Article 245. Accordingly, a partner, the partnership or a partnership in the management of the removal of the accounts to be betrayed into, he continuously truth, that does not fulfill the duties and obligations of a partner of the company’s trade name or personal interests for the sake of their property abuse, illness or for any other reason, the top partner suffered a continual and necessary skills to do their jobs effectively loses his license a situation where, as were deemed not limited to, are the main justification.

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