

Effective remorse

Theft, vandalism, breach of trust, fraud, fraudulent insolvency, negligence, and for this reason but after the completion of bankruptcy before you begin prosecute crimes, the perpetrator, the victim or the person who helped by showing exactly ordered the hit by the losses of remorse return if you do not completely correct or compensation, about two-thirds of the sentence to be imposed is lowered enough.

(2) If the effective remorse is shown after the start of the prosecution but before the verdict is given, up to half of the punishment to be given will be reduced.

(3) The punishment to be given to the person who shows effective remorse for the crime of looting shall be reduced to half in the cases falling into the first paragraph and up to one third in the cases falling into the second paragraph.

(4) In order to implement the provisions of effective remorse in the event of partial refund or compensation, the consent of the victim is also sought.

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