Income tax is a type of tax levied on the income of natural persons, that is, non-institutionalized persons who can obtain rights and exercise authority in law. Income is the net amount of earnings and income that a natural person receives in a calendar year.

Income taxable income is defined in the ”Income Tax Code”. Accordingly, the earnings and expenses that go into the income are as follows:

Commercial earnings
Agricultural earnings
Self-employed earnings
Real estate capital contracts
Types of securities
Other earnings and expenses.
What does Irat mean?
According to the TDK, irat; income, income-generating property.

Full taxpayers for income tax:

Residents of Turkey,
Those who have been permanently residing in Turkey for more than six months in a calendar year,
They are Turkish citizens who are connected to official departments and institutions or organizations and enterprises headquartered in Turkey and live in foreign countries due to the work of these departments, institutions, organizations and enterprises.
They are taxed on all the earnings and income obtained by these taxpayers inside and outside Turkey.

Natural persons who are not settled in Turkey are considered to be narrow taxpayers and are taxed only on the profits and expenses they receive in Turkey.


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