A deport is a state in which a foreign person who has been decided to be deported is located in his nationality or sent to a third country and is prohibited from entering Turkey for a certain period of time. A foreigner’s entry ban into Turkey is imposed for a maximum of 5 years, but the entry ban can be extended for another 5 years if the foreigner in question threatens public safety and health.

A foreigner or his legal representative or deputy who has received a decision on deportation shall be notified of the decision on deportation together with the legal grounds.
A foreign national can find out whether there is a ban on entering Turkey at the border crossing or by contacting the foreign representative office of the Republic of Turkey in his country.

The decision on the deportation of foreigners is made by the governor’s office or the provincial Migration Administration, and the foreigner is notified to him or her legal representative. An application against this decision of the Governor’s Office by the foreigner himself, his legal representative or lawyer may be filed with the Administrative Court within 15 days on an appeal against the deportation decision. If an application is submitted to the court, the foreigner cannot be deported until the case is concluded. However, a foreigner may be deported even if an appeal is filed with the Administrative Court about foreigners who have been deported for one of the following reasons.

-In cases where a foreigner is a director, member, supporter of a terrorist and(or) criminal organization;

-In cases where a foreigner poses a danger to public safety or public health;

-Foreigners identified by international organizations as having a relationship with an organization or persons identified as a terrorist organization.

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