

Conditional Release

In order to benefit from conditional release, they had to spend 30 years of their aggravated life sentence, 24 years of their life sentence, and 2/3 of their other prison sentences in prison. By the arrangement made, the rule of passing 2/3 on conditional release in a penitentiary institution has been halved (1/2).

While repeaters and organized crimes are required to spend 3/4 of their time in prison, this has been reduced to 2/3 by law.

Some crimes have been excluded from the 1/2, i.e. halving pardon. In exceptional cases, the rate will continue to be applied as 2/3 or 3/4.


the 2/3 ratio will continue to be applied to crimes;

The crime of premeditated murder (TCK md.81, 82, 83)
As a result, convicts who have received a term of imprisonment, except for life and aggravated life, for a crime of aggravated wounding (TCK art. 87/2-d)
The crime of torture (TCK art. 94,95)
The crime of torture (TCK art. 96)
The crime of sexual assault (TCK art. 102/1) (except 102/2-3)
The crime of sexual intercourse with a minor (TCK art. 104/1)
The crime of sexual harassment (TCK art. 105)
Crimes against private life and the secret sphere of life (TCK art. 132-138 dec.)
Crimes against state secrets and espionage (TCK art. dec. 326-336) (except for those who received life and aggravated life sentences)
Crimes against sexual inviolability committed by children (TCK art. dec 102-105)
A drug or stimulant manufacturing and trafficking crime committed by children (TCK art. 188)
Those who establish or manage an organization for committing crimes by children, or those who receive a prison sentence for an offense committed within the framework of the organization’s activity

the 3/4 ratio will continue to be applied to crimes;

Terrorist crimes (Anti-Terrorism Law)
Crimes against sexual inviolability (TCK art. 102/2, 103, 104/2-3)
Manufacture and trade of drugs or stimulants (TCK art. 188)

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