

Requirements for the application

ARTICLE 11 – (1) Foreigners who want to obtain Turkish citizenship;

a) To have the ability to be an adult and distinguish according to their national law and Turkish laws if they are stateless,

b) To reside in Turkey for five years without interruption from the date of application,

c) To confirm by their behavior that they have decided to settle in Turkey,

d) Not having a disease that poses a danger to general health,

e) Have good morals,

f) Being able to speak enough Turkish,

g) Having an income or profession that will ensure the livelihood of himself and his dependents in Turkey,

h) Not being in a position to be an obstacle in terms of national security and public order,

terms are sought.

(2) Foreigners who want to obtain Turkish citizenship, along with the above-mentioned conditions, the requirement to withdraw from the citizenship of the state they carry may also be sought. The determination of the principles related to the use of this discretion is within the competence of the Council of Ministers.

Yağız Canseven

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