

Using It With Care And Showing Respect For Neighbors
-Violation of the Agreement-
The lessee is obliged to use the leasehold decently in accordance with the contract concluded between the parties, to show respect to the persons living in the real estate where the lessee is located, as well as to the neighbors.
In case of violation of this obligation of the lessee, the lessor may give a written warning that the violation will be resolved by giving at least thirty days for the rental of residential and roofed workplaces, otherwise it will terminate the contract. In other rental relations, the lessor may terminate the contract immediately with a written notice without prior notice to the lessee.
In case of renting a residential and roofed workplace, if the tenant intentionally causes serious damage to the tenant, it is understood that the time to be given to the tenant will be useless, or the tenant’s behavior contrary to this obligation is unbearable for the lessor or people living in separate real estate and neighbors, the lessor may terminate the contract immediately without a written notice.
In this article, a period of at least 30 days must be given due to a violation of the contract in residential and roofed workplace rents.
In case of violation of the contract in other lease agreements other than housing and roofed workplace, the contract may be terminated with a written notice without giving time.

The Right to File a Lawsuit in Violation of the Agreement
• The right to file a lawsuit belongs to the lessor, who is a party to the contract.
• The owner who is not in the case of the lessor does not have the right to file a lawsuit.
• The new owner can sue as the lessor’s successor.
• If the leaseholder changes hands after the lawsuit is filed, it is only possible to continue the lawsuit with the assignment.



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