

The fact that a person constantly mentions his ex after marriage is that he says to his partner, “I wish I had married my ex, I would have been happier with him, I regret marrying you, I miss my ex. the use of words such as “is considered a defect. Because a common life in a marital union can only continue in mutual love and respect. Words or behaviors that will shake the common life from its foundation may cause a degree of impoverishment that will not allow the continuation of the union. You can check out the sample Supreme Court Decision below, which is one of the many examples related to the subject.

“text of jurisprudence”

COURT: Family Court
TYPE OF CASE: Mutual Divorce

Court of Cassation 2. law office

Base Number: 2016/10455

Decision Number: 2018/ 1541

At the end of the reasoning of the case between the parties, the judgment given by the local court, the date and number shown above, was appealed by the defendant-plaintiff male in both cases, the documents were read and discussed as dec:
Although the court ruled that the defendant-plaintiff man’s divorce case was rejected, the plaintiff-defendant woman’s case was accepted and the parties were divorced; from the trial and the evidence collected, it is understood that the defendant-plaintiff man’s defects accepted by the court, as well as the plaintiff-plaintiff woman often mentions her ex-lover, regrets marrying her husband, and says that she would be happier if she had married her ex-lover. In this case, there is a constant and constant lack of livelihood that will decimate the common life between the supporters from the very foundation and will not allow the continuation of the union. In the face of the flow of events, the defendant-plaintiff male is right to file a lawsuit. In that case, while the man’s divorce case should be accepted, the rejection of the case was not found to be correct with insufficient justification.
CONCLUSION: provision of Appeals for the reason shown above, corruption, destruction cause according to the re-establishment from becoming mandatory provision of the plaintiff-defendant now appeals of Appeals for the individual woman’s divorce and divorce and other whether to study for, she tucks it back into the provision of tuition in advance of your appeal request, present within 15 days of the receipt of the decision, it was decided unanimously to open the way for the correction of the decision. 07.02.2018 (Wed.)

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