

To reduce fullness in prison, kept outside the scope of the deduction execution, terrorism, drug trafficking, sexual abuse, intentional killing, with exceptions relating to the privacy of private life offences, crimes before 30 March 2020 probation period, a time-will be implemented in 3 years instead of 1 year, to be specific. In other words, those who have 3 years left before the end of their sentence can also take advantage of probation and be released.
it will be applied for women with children aged 0-6 years and convicts who have reached the age of 70, as well as for those who have 4 years left before the end of their sentence, provided that it is again temporary. The sentence of convicts who have reached the age of 65 who cannot live their lives alone in prison due to severe illness, disability or my husband will be executed under a probation measure. 1 Day that juvenile convicts stay in prison until the age of 15 will be counted as 3 days; 1 day that they stay until they turn 18 will be counted as 2 days.

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