


It has previously been discussed when the statute of limitations of the case will begin to be committed in installment crimes. Those who indicate that the statute of limitations of the case must start processing after the outcome has occurred
as it is, there were also those who suggested that the movement should be based. It should be said that it is now accepted that the general rule should be applied in tax crimes. Therefore, installment crimes, if the resulting crime, the statute of limitations of the case will begin to be committed from the moment of occurrence of the result in accordance with typicality. Causing injury to a person by driving above the speed limit, for example
if the injured person dies after a few months, the statute of limitations of the case will be from the date of death. The main problem in installment crimes is that the death incidents are many years, as in the example of buildings destroyed in an earthquake
then stemmed from the realization. The Supreme Court ruled that in the cases of death caused by the 1999 earthquake, 765 was the 383th article of the canceled TCK(Criminal Code). Article his assessment of the clause, he said that the crime was committed at the moment when the destroyed building led to the result of injury or death, hence the injury or death
he stated that the moment of death is the date of commission of the crime in the second paragraph, and the statute of limitations of the case should be calculated from this moment on. But The Supreme Court Ruled 2.he considered the result of injury or death caused by the act of the main type of crime in the paragraph as a qualified state, while he should qualify it as a crime aggravated by the result of the sequel. In fact, the example given is related to the crime, which is aggravated by the continuation of installment crimes.

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