

12. Criminal Department

Base Number: 2017/5122

Decision Number: 2018/2516

“text of jurisprudence”

Court of First Instance: Criminal Court of First Instance
Crime : Violation of the privacy of private life
Verdict: Acquittal

The provision on the acquittal of the accused for violating the confidentiality of private life was considered necessary on appeal by the participant, examining the file:
According to the scope of the file; the defendant is the father of his estranged wife, their children who came to see the attendee’s home when the ensuing discussion with the camera to record and claimed to offer as evidence in the event the investigation file, the record is shared with the images obtained in a third person or persons and/or duplicating and distributing not put forward a claim relating to the defendant, the action of turning to him still in a state of no other way due to not being able to prove, while the evidence and ensure the preservation of the loss probability of the participant with the aim of proving action in action, due to the fact that he did not act with the consciousness of acting contrary to the law, there was no hit in the acceptance of the local court.
At the end of the trial, it was unanimously decided on 07.03.2018 that the decision on acquittal should be upheld in accordance with the request, rejecting the appeals of the participant that the defendant should be punished, since the act was accepted and appreciated by the court on the grounds that it was not defined as a crime in the law, and the verdict on acquittal was upheld unanimously on 07.03.2018.

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