

Union membership and acquisition of membership

ARTICLE 17 – (1) Those who have reached the age of fifteen and are considered workers in accordance with the provisions of this Law may become members of labor unions.

(2) Those who are considered employers within the meaning of this Law may become members of employers’ unions.

(3) It is free to become a member of the trade union. No one may be forced to become a member of a trade union or not. Employees or employers cannot be members of more than one trade union in the same line of work and at the same time. However, employees working in the same line of work and at the same time in workplaces belonging to different employers can become members of more than one trade union. If employees and employers become members of more than one trade union in violation of this provision, subsequent memberships are invalid.

(4) Employees working in auxiliary jobs at a workplace may also become members of a trade union established in the branch of work entered into by the workplace.

(5) Membership in the trade union is gained through the e-State gate by applying for membership in the electronic application system to be provided by the Ministry through the e-State gate and by accepting the authorized body determined in the trade union charter. If the membership application is not rejected by the trade union within thirty days, the membership request is considered accepted. Those whose membership application is not accepted without a justified reason can file a lawsuit within thirty days of the notification of this decision to them. The court’s decision is final. If the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, the membership is deemed to have been acquired on the date of the rejection decision.

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