

According to the legislation currently in force, drivers driving at an alcohol level of 0.50 promil will be fined 1,228 Turkish liras and their driver’s license will be confiscated for 6 months. In the same case, if the car is not yours and you are drunk; 0.21 promil of alcohol is enough for you to get a penalty. In other words, if the car does not belong to you and you are drunk for more than 0.21, you will receive the same penalty again. At the same time, if you are caught drinking alcohol twice within 5 years, the fine for this is higher. In total, the driver who is caught drinking alcohol 2 times in 5 years receives a fine of 1.539 TL. And at the same time, his driver’s license is confiscated for 2 years. Of course, if it is found that you have been driving in an alcoholic manner for 3 or more times within 5 years, a fine of 2,473 TL will be deducted and your driver’s license will be confiscated for 5 years. All this can be found in the Turkish Criminal Code

Yağız Canseven

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