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Example of A Negotiated Divorce Protocol


Side: XXXXXXXX (Republic of Turkey ID No : ……………)

Side: YYYYYYYY (Republic of Turkey ID No : …………… )

Subject: the divorce protocol is presented to the court.


Parties …/…/… married since the date ……… and …….. they have two children together named. The parties agree to the termination of the marital union by this protocol, which is presented before the court. Other agreed upon issues regarding divorce are as follows::


Common children from the marriage of the parties………….. and ………..the mother will receive custody of XXXXXXXX.

The days when joint children will have a personal relationship with the defendant father YYYYYYYY should be written in this section.



Father yyyyyyyy every month to mother for each child for the expenses required for the development of children…….. Total for two children, TL ………. TL will pay subsidiary alimony.


At the end of the marital union established between the parties, the defendant YYYYYYYY, the plaintiff xxxxxxxx will pay poverty alimony in TL every month………………… Dec…………………


Defendant YYYYYYYYY due to events caused by him in the marriage union plaintiff xxxxxxxx ………. – TL financial compensation, …………… TL will pay moral compensation.


It was obtained in the Union of marriage …. Ili, …. County, ….. Location, Island, Real Estate with parcel number will be registered in the title deed in the name of the plaintiff woman XXXXXXXX. All household items found in the joint residence of the parties shall be taken by XXXXXXXX.

Trial costs and surrogacy fees

The parties do not have any claims from each other in terms of trial costs and power of attorney fees.

Result and demand

The parties, by their free will, have reached agreement on the above-mentioned issues and agree to divorce based on these conditions. For all these reasons, the decision to divorce in accordance with the agreement with the acceptance of the negotiated divorce protocol by the Court of Honor is supply and demand.



Yağız Canseven

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