

Eviction By the Tenant Before The Deadline

One of the most important aspects of tenancy relations is the eviction process. Eviction can impose responsibility on the parties depending on the situation.

In cases where the lessee returns the leasehold without observing the term of the contract or the termination period, his debts arising from the lease agreement continue for a reasonable period of time (for the period during which the lessee can be rented on similar terms).
If the tenant finds a new tenant who can be expected to accept the lessor before the expiration of this period, has the ability to pay and is ready to take over the lease relationship, the tenant’s debts arising from the lease agreement will expire. Therefore, if there is another tenant for the said tenant and this real estate is rented out, the lessor cannot request any payment for the early release period.
Reasonable time

In order for the reasonable period to begin, the key to the rental must be delivered without fail. In order to facilitate the determination of this issue in the event of a dispute that may arise in the future, it is useful to prepare a turnkey consolation report
As such, the evicted tenant is responsible for the rents until the key delivery.


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