Categories: information

Effect of Bankruptcy On Barter Rights

As a rule, the opening of bankruptcy has no effect on the right to exchange. It would take the creditor,
he can trade it for what the bankrupt will get from himself. However, in bankruptcy, equality between creditors is decriminalized.
in some cases, an exchange cannot be made in bankruptcy in order not to be corrupted and not to abuse this right. This
cases include:

* If the debtor of the bankrupt becomes the creditor of the bankrupt after the bankruptcy is opened,
* If the creditor of the bankrupt is the debtor of the bankrupt or table after the bankruptcy is opened,
* If the creditor’s pregnancy is based on a written Year,
*Anonymous, limited and cooperative in the case of bankruptcy of the company, in accordance with the main contract to be paid or promised to be put unpaid portions of the stock price, but that has not been checked debt capital of the company, and cannot be exchanged with the debts of the cooperative.

The creditors of the bankruptcy of the debtor bankrupt and has become incapable of knowing that before the opening of the table, to the detriment to himself or to a third party, a receivable is established to provide a benefit in the form of a swap against the bankrupt, if it can be challenged in court against the trade. An appeal against this exchange is filed in the Commercial Court of First Instance in the place that decides bankruptcy.

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