

Such fires that have occurred recently in our country or crimes of deliberate endangerment can be read in this blog and get a preliminary impression

1 – What Is The Crime Of Deliberate Endangerment Of General Security Defined In The Turkish Criminal Code As Follows:

“A person who fires, b) causes a building collapse, landslides, avalanches, floods or floods, c) fires or uses explosives shall be punished in a manner that is dangerous to the life, health or property of persons or may cause fear, anxiety or panic in persons.”
“A person who causes a fire, building collapse, landslide, Avalanche, flood or flood hazard is punished.”
It is the Prevention of comprehensive endangerment of persons and property of legal value protected by the crime of deliberate endangerment of General Security. For this reason, the crime of deliberate endangerment of General Security is regulated in the “General dangerous crimes” section of the TCK. As can be seen from the text of the crime article, it is an electoral moving crime. Selective actions of this crime are shown as starting a fire, causing a building collapse, landslides, avalanches, flooding or flooding, shooting with a weapon or using explosives. The fact that these actions constitute a crime depends on the condition that the concrete danger occurs. The crime also has a second paragraph. In this paragraph, the crime of abstract danger is included.

2 – What Is The Crime Of Endangering General Security By Tax Is Defined As Follows In The Turkish Criminal Code

“By Taksirle; a) fire, b) building collapse, landslide, Avalanche, flood or flood, the person causing the act is punished if it is dangerous for the life, health or property of others.”

3-Punishment For Deliberate Endangerment Of General Security

A) incendiary, b) causing building collapse, landslides, avalanches, floods or floods, c) shooting with a weapon or using explosives, a person shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to three years. (TCK 170/1)
A person who causes a fire, building collapse, landslide, Avalanche, flood or flood hazard is punished by imprisonment or a judicial fine of three months to a year. (TCK 170/2)

4-Punishment For Endangering General Security By Tax

A) fire, b) building collapse, landslide, Avalanche, flood or flood, the cause of the person, if the act is dangerous in terms of the life, health or property of others, shall be punished with imprisonment from three months to one year. (TCK 171)

5-Are The Crimes of deliberately or taxing General Security related to the complaint?

No … crimes of deliberate or deliberate endangerment of General Security from crimes related to the complaint
are not. These crimes are investigated by the prosecution.

6-There is no statute of limitations for The Crimes of deliberate or deliberate endangerment of General Security !!!

Thank you for reading I know that everyone will help someone during these difficult days I wish everyone a healthy and Fire-free day

Yağız Canseven

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