

In acts processed without interruption, the difference between completion and ending results in terms of attempted. It is possible that the provisions of the enterprise can be applied until they are completed. After completion, however, the execution is continued, but there is no mention of the enterprise as the completion has taken place. Therefore, from this moment on, effective provisions of regret are applied (TCK article 110). Continuous crime also features in terms of participation. Since the single perpetrator system is not accepted in crimes, since the distinction of perpetrator and Sharia is made, participation is possible as long as the crime continues to be committed without interruption, that is, until it is finished. Both until and after the crime is completed
it is possible that joint failure will occur until it is over. Joint perpetrators are not required to continue their actions until the crime is over. If they did not continue their actions after the completion of the crime, joint failure occurred. After the completion of the crime, other persons may participate in the execution of the act as joint perpetrators. Ensuring that the perpetrator who committed the crime without interruption commits the crime again after the interruption will constitute an incentive. Activities to ensure that the perpetrator continues to commit the crime before the interruption occurs will be qualified as part of the assistance,
A legitimate defense against this verb is possible, since there is an attack due to the continuation of the execution of the verb. It is important that the crime is uninterrupted in terms of the place and time of the crime. Further explanations on these issues should be considered the statute of limitations of the case will begin from the date of the deduction.

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