

The Code of Criminal Procedure No. 5271 (CMK), when regulating judicial subjects, paid special attention to the “one who has been harmed by a crime”, granted many powers and rights that are not available in the CMUK. In this way, CMK strengthened the personal claim and reinforced the importance of the personal claim in terms of revealing the material truth. However, at the stage of the Commission of Justice, the regulations on this issue were overstepped, and some of the basic principles of modern criminal deci-sion law were ignored. Moreover, due to the regulation full of these excesses, very serious mistakes are made in practice, and some of the basic principles of criminal trial law are clearly eliminated. In this article, in particular, the application “the right to request the appointment of a proxy”, which is granted to the victim and the complainant and which they can use unconditionally and unconditionally, and ”the presence of the proxy at the time of receipt of the statement of the victim and the complainant” at the stage of the investigation
the subject of the review will be made.

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