












lawsuit :


SUBJECT : Unconstitutionality


EVENTS : 1-What is being heard in your court against our client ……. E-numbered, which will be applied in the case ……. It is clearly contrary to the Constitution.


That is to say:





article 152 of the Constitution of 1982, published in the copy of the Official Gazette dated 25.09.1982 in accordance with the law No. 2-2707 and finalized by submitting it to the public vote on 07.11.1982. the first paragraph of the article “Court which is hearing a case, applicable law or the provisions of the decree unconstitutional and sees one of the parties considers that the claim that it is against the proposed constitution is serious if the back case of the Constitutional Court until a decision on this issue leaves” is shaped like.


3-According to this article, if your court considers our claim of Unconstitutionality to be serious, it is sent to the Constitutional Court to examine our claim of unconstitutionality, and our appeal to the supreme court is considered and accepted on the spot, this article of law will be canceled and there will be no way to apply.


4-We request that the file be sent to the Constitutional Court for a decision on the Unconstitutionality of the article for the reasons described.


LEGAL REASONS : Article 152 of the Constitution.the substance


AS A RESULT OF THE REQUEST: We request that the file be sent to the Constitutional Court for examination of the claim of Unconstitutionality by your court and that the case be decided to be left back until the end of the supreme court’s review.




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