



prosecutor :


address :

attorney :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)

address :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)



SUBJECT : Hostility consists in submitting our objections.


(In cases related to property rights)


1-) The plaintiff ……. by our client …. Against the Presidency of the Irrigation Union, it is alleged that its products have been damaged due to the explosion of irrigation pipes…. His court… e. …. K. a lawsuit for financial compensation has been filed with the numbered file. (APPENDIX-1)

2-) However, the ownership of the irrigation pipes belongs to DSI and our client the irrigation association is only responsible for operation and maintenance.

3-) Therefore, the case should be filed against the owner of the property, DSI, our client has no animosity in the relevant incident and the case should be dismissed due to the absence of animosity.

4-) In addition, damages arising from a defect in both the construction, use or protection of a public facility are the subject of a full judicial case, since they are damages arising from administrative decisions and actions, and cases of this nature must be filed at the place of administrative jurisdiction.

LEGAL REASONS : 6100 P. K. m. 27, 50, 2577 Pp. K. m. 14, 15


1-) …. His court… e. ….K. the numbered file


CONCLUSION AND REQUEST: For the reasons explained above, we request that our dispute be accepted and the case be dismissed without examination, the trial expenses and the attorney’s fee be charged to the other party, the decision be made by proxy on behalf of our client, as there is no way to examine the merits of the dispute about our client. …/ …/ …


1-) …. His court… e. ….K. the numbered file

2 -) An example of a certified power of attorney.


The Defendant Attorney

Yağız Canseven

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