

Article 1- This agreement is in question…….. ……. Department of Kindergarten and student parent ……… ………… the agreement was signed on the following dec.

Article 2 – …. – ….. The monthly full-time fee determined for the academic year ….. TL; the half-day fee is ……-TL.

Article 3- According to the agreement that the parent will reach with the school administration on the school fee, ….. Bank …… In the eyes of the branch………….. he deposits it into account no., gives a sample of the receipt to the school administration.

Article 4- It is essential that the student enrolled in the school resides in the neighborhood where the school accepts students. However, if the school quota is not filled, the situation can be evaluated by the school administration.

Article 5- The parent pays the school fee in full for the disabled-disabled absences of the student in the month coinciding with the half-year holiday.

Article 6- The fee paid during the academic year is due for illness, vacation, etc. it is not returned to the parent with excuses. However, in extraordinary cases based on fire, natural disaster, epidemic disease, climate; the property authorities and the Provincial Health Board deem it necessary and unremitting …. if schools are closed for a day or more, the fee received in advance is deducted from the next month’s fee. If the full fee has been paid, the mentioned amount will be refunded to the parent upon the application of the parent.

Article 7- The parent informs the school administration about the absence of his student. Students who cannot come to school due to an infectious disease must bring a “doctor’s report” received from Medical Institutions “that there are no problems with attending school” after the illness. Without apology…. the registration of the student who does not attend the school on the day is deleted, the unpaid fee is charged, the paid fee is not refunded.

Article 8- Medical examinations conducted by the school administration as necessary, as well as trips to the theater, etc. transportation of educational events, tickets, etc. the fee is paid by the parent. In addition, the kermes that the school will organize during the year, school nights, etc. the parent also covers the expenses to be spent on the activities related to the student. The student is obliged to participate in national holidays, certain days and weeks, and other events to be celebrated at the school.

Article 9- Necklaces, earrings, etc., which have a high material value for students. ornaments are not worn. In case of loss of the student’s belongings and/or ornaments worn without permission, which do not have a name written on them, the class teacher or the school administration does not accept responsibility.

Article 10- The parent must attend the meetings that the school administration and the class teacher will organize.

Article 11- In order for education to be carried out in the best way in accordance with its objectives, the school administration, teachers and parents shall make the necessary cooperation. Taking into account the physical facilities of the classrooms, the recommendations of teachers and parents, the school administration tries to improve them within its capabilities.

Article 12- The necessary legal actions shall enter into force for parties that do not fulfill the terms of the Contract.

Article 13- In case of a dispute ……. Courts and Enforcement Agencies are authorized.

This contract ……/……/..…. it has been edited as Article 13 (thirteen) and two examples in its history and has been signed by the parties mentioned in the first paragraph.

Student Parent                                           Institution Manager

First Name- Last Name                                   First Name- Last Name

Signature                                                                  Signature

Yağız Canseven

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