











SUBJECT : The Abolition of the Goods Regime Consists in Our Desire.





1-) Our client and the defendant have been married since the date of /…/… and …./…./… in the history of our client, a divorce was filed by claiming that the foundation of the marriage union was shaken; as a result of the case under consideration … the Family Court …./…. E. …./…. K. by its numbered decision, it has decided that the parties … should live separately for a period of years.


2-) The parties have previously adopted the goods partnership regime between them and want to decommission this goods regime during the separation period because it is not possible to apply the rules of this regime during the annual separation period granted by the court.


LEGAL REASONS : 4721 P. K. m. 180 and related legislation.


LEGAL EVIDENCE : Contract of the goods regime, separation decision and other evidence.


CONCLUSION AND REQUEST: We respectfully request on behalf of our client that for the reasons described above, the goods partnership regime between the parties be decommissioned, the trial costs and the power of attorney be charged to the opposite party. …/…/…


Plaintiff’s Attorney

Yağız Canseven

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