


prosecutor :




address :


attorney :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)


address :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)






SUBJECT : Request for adaptation of the leasing agreement






1-) Our client has signed two separate leasing agreements with the defendant and has therefore been under the obligation to pay debts. However, due to the fact that the financial leasing agreement in question is foreign currency indexed, it has become impossible to pay car rental installments due to extraordinary increases in foreign currency prices. Due to the difficulty in payments, Journal Entry Number, Number of the Journal of the convention, as amended, with the agreement and the lease agreement dated Journal number ……the work of the convention was amended and the amended payment plans act to the detriment of the balance between the client have deteriorated. (APPENDIX- 1, 2, 3, 4)


2-) The extreme change in the balance between actions and the unexpected state in this sense made dec continuation of the contract in the same way intolerable for the client. For this reason, we have been obliged to request and sue for the adaptation of financial leasing agreements by converting them from the exchange rate at the time of their conclusion to the Turkish Lira.



LEGAL REASONS : 6098 P. K. m. 480/2



1-) … evmiye numbered contract

2)… the amendment agreement numbered evmiye

3-) … evmiye numbered contract

4- )…the amendment agreement numbered evmiye



CONCLUSION AND REQUEST: For the reasons we have tried to explain above, we request by proxy that the determination of financial leasing agreements by adapting them to today’s conditions be decided at court costs and the imposition of the power of attorney fee on the other party. …/…/…



1-) … contract with salary number

2)…the contract of amendment with salary number

3-) … contract with salary number

4- )…salary modification agreement

5-) An example of a certified power of attorney.





Plaintiff’s Attorney

Yağız Canseven

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