







attorney :


SUBJECT OF THE REQUEST : The refusal of the judge includes our request.




1-) Judge of the members of the Delegation ………, we believe that its impartiality can be questioned. That is to say;

a)…./…/…. The judge of your court at the dated hearing ….. as a result of our research, we have found out that the plaintiff’s fiance is the result of our research.
b) Although the engagement institution is not considered to be one of the reasons for refusing the judge in the Criminal Procedure Code No. 9105, we believe that the judge’s decisions during the trial may be influenced by human feelings and decency.

c) In order for the trial process and the verdict given to remain completely out of doubt, it has been necessary to request the rejection of the judge from your office with this petition.


LEGAL REASONS: Criminal Procedure Code No. 9105 and all kinds of related legislation


CONCLUSION AND CLAIM: For the reasons we have explained above, we reject the Judge member …… We ask your Honor’s Court to decide on the acceptance of our request. …/…/…


Defensor of the Accused

Yağız Canseven

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