






1-My client is a well-liked politician and businessman where he is located. He is a respected businessman who has helped non-governmental organizations in recent years and has paid all kinds of taxes.

2 – … The newspaper … which is being published in the province ../ … / … dated 3. the news at the top right of the page clearly shows the name of my client and makes statements like ” where does the water of this mill come from, where does this money come from”.

3-This article, written against my client, who actually has property and income from his family, but who is among the tax record holders of the year in the magazine called…, is an attack and deconstruction against both the material and spiritual existence of my client. It damages the respectable reputation of my client.

4-My client, who is an honorable citizen who loves his country and pays taxes, is exposed to unfounded rumors in the region where he lives, and his reputation is damaged, and therefore his business is also affected. In the same way, my client’s girlfriend left him for this reason.

5-We request that the manuscript we present in the annex be published on the same page and column. We will also open criminal and civil cases against those who wrote the relevant article.

CONCLUSION OF THE REQUEST: We request that the october we have presented in the appendix be published in the same column of the same page and in the same size in the next issue of the newspaper and that the victimization of my client be prevented. …/…/…


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