

File No. :2021/… Base

Objecting to the Payment Order: ……… (TC ID:……) Address:

Agent : Att…………..

Lender : ………

Subject : This is the presentation of our objections to the unsubstantiated payment order initiated against our client and notified on the date of /…/… during the period.

Instructions :

Our client …….. against him, a follow-up of the execution without context has been initiated with the 2021 /… main file of your Directorate. The order for payment without an ad was personally communicated to our client on the date of /…/…. Our client’s creditor ………’ a does not have any debts. The debt made subject to enforcement proceedings by the creditor was paid by our client to the creditor 3 months ago. For this reason, we object to the enforcement proceedings initiated by the creditor, the receivable subject to follow-up, interest and all other taxes.

In addition, the signature on the document that is based on the enforcement proceedings initiated by the creditor and communicated to our client in the october of the payment order does not belong to our client. We clearly and unequivocally declare our objection to the signature.

Request and Conclusion: As explained above, we object to the unsubstantiated payment order sent to our client as a result of enforcement proceedings initiated by the creditor against our client. We object to the principal, interest, all taxes specified in the payment order, as well as the signature of our client contained in the document sent in the october of the payment order. We sincerely supply and request by proxy that such proceedings be stopped and that other necessary actions be taken.

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