




The defendant : Hasimsiz

ISSUE : …/…./ …….. this is our petition, which includes our request to decide on the cancellation of the dated check due to loss.



1. The client company sells technology products. For this purpose, the checks received from the customers and approved by the official of the client company, the list of which is reported below, were stolen by breaking the window of the car of the client company’s staff. The minutes and crime scene photos kept by Levent police station due to the theft that occurred in the vehicle of our client’s staff are also presented in the October of our petition.

List of Stolen Bills of Exchange

X Bank X Branch, X Date, XXXX Amount, XX Check with the number XXX, XXX Serial Number Check with the number XXX
X Bank X Branch, X Date, XXXX Amount, XX Check with the number XXX, XXX Serial Number Check with the number XXX
X Bank X Branch, X Date, XXXX Amount, XX Check with the number XXX, XXX Serial Number Check with the number XXX
X Bank X Branch, X Date, XXXX Amount, XX Check with the number XXX, XXX Serial Number Check with the number XXX
X Bank X Branch, X Date, XXXX Amount, XX Check with the number XXX, XXX Serial Number Check with the number XXX

2. Since these stolen checks have been discovered by companies with a high commercial reputation on the market, since the turnover of the client company is also found and the maturity of the checks has not yet arrived, the checks should not be collected from the bank when the check maturities arrive.

3. In order to prevent the collection of checks from the bank and the cancellation of the check, including the prohibition of payment as a precautionary measure so that our client and the clients of our client who discovered the check will not be harmed, the business has been obliged to open this case.

EVIDENCE : Bank records, photocopies of checks, witnesses, police records, and other legal evidence.

CONCLUSION AND REQUEST: With the acceptance of our case for the reasons that we have briefly explained above and will be taken into account by your court, we first request that copies of our client’s and attached copies be made immediately to prevent payment of the checks that we have submitted in our october petition, and that the decision be made to cancel the check in question at the end of the case be made and submitted to your opinions.

Plaintiff Attorney

Yağız Canseven

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