




FILE NO : …/… E.







address :


attorney :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)


address :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)


prosecutor :




attorney :


address :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)


SUBJECT : Contains our objections to the expert report.




1-) Our objections to the expert report dated /…/ … prepared and submitted to the file in relation to the case file registered on the above-mentioned basis of your court are as follows:


2-) As it will be remembered, this case was filed by the plaintiff to ensure that the payment he made to the insured due to the workplace insurance policy, which includes internal flood coverage, is collected from our client. Our client is held responsible as a tenant and for causing damage due to his own use.


3-) In the aforementioned expert report, only the fact that the damage occurred was confirmed, and the damage caused by the damage was satisfied with making a calculation in a material sense, taking into account the market’s fair values.


4-) However, the hose that ruptures over time and causes damage is a fixed manufacture in the building and is a value of the building. Moreover, it is made of inexpensive material and is not placed in accordance with technical data. Although these issues were also highlighted in our response petition dated …/…/…, the expert report does not contain any definitions and observations related to these issues. So much so that, when the accuracy of our claim is fixed, it is in accordance with article 58 of law No. 818. in accordance with the article, “the owner of a building or anything manufactured will be liable for the bad construction of that thing or for defects in its storage” and thus, our client’s liability cannot be mentioned.


5-) For the reasons that we have tried to explain above, we object to the expert report in question.


LEGAL REASONS : 6100 P. K. m. 281.


Results and PROMPT : for the reasons Above we have tried to explain, …/…/… dated objections to the report of the expert accept our re-examination so that it covers the issues we have stated our objections and decided to have constructed, by proxy demand. …/…/…



The Defendant Attorney

Yağız Canseven

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