








address :

attorney :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)

address :

(Legal representatives of the parties, if any)


address :


SUBJECT : It is related to the termination of the employment contract in accordance with subparagraph 25 / II-d of the Labor Code No. 4857.





1) …/ …/ … on … our client with registration number …. …… the workplace that belongs to ’…. you have started your job in the department and have worked for about … years/months/days ….


2) From the date you started working at our workplace ….. who is the … chief of the department …. …. you have an ongoing animosity with.


3) …/…/… on you are in the workplace and during working hours arguing with your boss, your supervisor, you are spamming in this discussion, …/…/… and start to argue again punching your boss in the cafeteria on the nose to break caused by such behaviour is repeated notify you and record-keeping for you if inform you that your contract will be terminated according to the provisions of relevant business 4857 although …/…/… stab you in the ensuing discussion between the output of your chief business on the date it has been determined.


4) article 25 of the Labor Code No. 4857 entitled “The right of the employer to immediate termination for a justified reason”. article II. Cases that do not comply with the rules of morality and goodwill and the like are in subparagraph d of the section;


“The employee mocks the employer or one of his family members or another employee of the employer, arrives at the workplace drunk or having taken drugs, or uses these substances at the workplace.


The employer may terminate the employment contract before the end of the period or without waiting for the notification period in the following cases, with or without a certain period of time”


the arrangement is included in the.


4) Despite the oral notification made to you and the minutes have been kept, it has been determined that there has been no positive improvement in your behavior, and that you have not paid due attention to the seriousness and importance of the job.


5) Verbal warnings that you have acted contrary to your loyalty debt and have not fulfilled the necessary obligations as a result of the events mentioned above are fixed by the minutes kept about you and the testimony of the employees working at the workplace during the events. For the reasons described, we inform you without warning that my client has terminated your employment contract. …/ …/ …











We request that a copy of this notice, which consists of three copies, be stored in your apartment, a copy be communicated to the addressee through an officer, and a copy of the communique to the addressee be given to us as a proxy who respectfully warns that we will also be given a copy. …/ …/ …




Yağız Canseven

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