
Example of a Negative Detection Case Petition

(precautionary measure is requested)
prosecutor :
THE SUBJECT OF THE LAWSUIT : ……….. it is a negative determination case aimed at determining that my client is not in debt.
EVENTS : 1- My client …, from defendant A …………. in the history of … he bought a Bürosit brand office chair and a desk with a price ……. (………) TL ……… (……) He paid his TL in advance, the rest of it in ………. he gave it by arranging a promissory note with a maturity date.
2- Although my client has paid the said kaan debt on time, the defendant …. by calling my client …….. (………) He threatened to pay the TL debt by saying that otherwise he would put the bill into execution. However, the promissory note is fake and my client has fully paid the debt in question.
3- The defendant …. since the ticker mentioned by the party may be put into execution and the tracking may be started, an injunction in exchange for a guarantee, resolute business, this negative detection case has been obliged to be filed.
EVIDENCE : Promissory note, receipts that my client has paid his debt, expert witness and all kinds of legal evidence if necessary.
CONCLUSION AND REQUEST: With the acceptance of our case for the reasons listed above, we respectfully submit and request by proxy that my client is determined not to be the debtor of the promissory note in question, that an injunction is issued not to put the promissory note into enforcement proceedings in order to prevent it from being put into enforcement proceedings, and that the decision be made to charge the proxy fee and trial expenses to the defendant. ../../..

Plaintiff’s Attorney
Av. …………….


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Barış Kaya

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