

Plaintiff :
Defendant :
Subject : Request for divorce and alimony measures due to the shaking of the foundation of the marriage union
Legal Evidence: Population records, Witnesses, Expert persons’ research and reports, Economic and social research, Expert examination and other kinds of legal evidence.
Legal Reasons: TMK and all kinds of related legislation
Instructions :
1. Our client is the plaintiff and the defendant……… I have been married since.
2. They have children (none) in the marriages in question.
3. However, our plaintiff client and the defendant have become unable to adapt spiritually and mentally. The defect is more often on the defendant’s side. The reconciliation efforts of the parties have also not yielded results. It is no longer possible for them to continue their marriage union as husband and wife.
4.For this reason, the opening of this case has become mandatory.
5.In addition, the defendant does not take care of his house next door, his children. In this context, we are also obliged to request the binding of alimony measures during the continuation of the divorce case.
Conclusion and Prompt : for the reasons we described above;
1. With the acceptance of our rightful cause, the parties to the divorce,
2. Per month ……….TL precautionary child support at your discretion,
3. We sincerely and bilvekale offer and request that the decision to leave the custody of the joint children to the plaintiff mother be made.




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