




FILE NO : …/… E.








attorney :


SUBJECT : This is Our Petition, which Includes Our Defenses on the Merits.




1-) Mr. Court …/…/… given to us in the session of the same date against the claims put forward in the petition dated /…/… given by the client’s deputy in the session of the dated session …. our defenses regarding the merits that we presented during the day are as follows;


2-) …/…/… history … Of … the village due to their flocks of sheep in a pasture with a witness in otlattik work as a shepherd, while the defendant the plaintiff client, “ you see son,” and by the Lamb took up arms and go back to the village, and then started again insulted by a client coming in pasture and animal otlattig witness has been attacked.


3-) As a result of aiming and opening fire on the client, the client was injured in the left wrist and hand, and he swung his knife, which he took out with his right hand to defend himself, regardless of the target for the client to repel these attacks. This is self-defense.


CONCLUSION AND REQUEST: For the reasons we have tried to explain above, we request that the accused client be acquitted of the crime committed on him, and if the opposite conclusion is reached at the end of the evaluation by your court, we will decide on the application of the legal discount reasons with the articles of law in favor of the accused client by proxy. …/…/…




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